Episode Archive
Season 2: pytest plugins
That's right, after 9 years and 223 episodes, we're starting season 2.
Season 1: 2015-2024
- 223: Writing Stuff Down is a Super Power
- 222: Import within a Python package
- 221: How to get pytest to import your code under test
- 220: Getting the most out of PyCon, including juggling - Rob Ludwick
- 219: Building Django Apps & SaaS Pegasus - Cory Zue
- 218: Balancing test coverage with test costs - Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya
- 217: Podcasting / SaaS / Work Life Balance - Justin Jackson
- 216: ruff, uv, and Astral: Python tooling, much faster, with Rust
- 215: Staying Technical as a Manager
- 214: Python Testing in VS Code
- 213: Repeating Tests
- 212: Canon TDD - by Kent Beck
- 211: Stamp out test dependencies with pytest plugins
- 210: TDD - Refactor while green
- 209: Testing argparse Applications
- 208: Tests with no assert statements
- 207: pytest course, pytest-repeat and pytest-flakefinder
- 206: TDD in Context
- 205: pytest autouse fixtures
- 204: Free Your Inner Nonfiction Writer - Johanna Rothman
- 203: Open Source at Intel
- 202: Using Towncrier to Keep a Changelog - Hynek Schlawack
- 201: Avoid merge conflicts on your CHANGELOG with scriv - Ned Batchelder
- 200: Keep a CHANGELOG
- 199: Is Azure Right for a Side Project? - Pamela Fox
- 198: Testing Django Web Applications - Carlton Gibson, Will Vincent
- 197: Python project trove classifiers - Do you need this bit of pyproject.toml metadata?
- 196: I am not a supplier
- 195: What would you change about pytest?
- 193: The Good Research Code Handbook - Patrick Mineault
- 192: Learn to code through game development with PursuedPyBear - Piper Thunstrom
- 191: Running your own site for fun and absolutely no profit whatsoever - Brian Wisti
- 190: Testing PyPy - Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick
- 189: attrs and dataclasses - Hynek Schlawack
- 188: Python’s Rich, Textual, and Textualize - Innovating the CLI
- 187: Teaching Web Development, including Front End Testing
- 186: Developer and Team Productivity
- 185: Python + Django + Rich + Testing == Awesome
- 184: Twisted and Testing Event Driven / Asynchronous Applications - Glyph
- 183: Managing Software Teams - Ryan Cheley
- 182: An Unorthodox Technical Interview and Hiring Process - Nathan Aschbacher
- 181: Boost Your Django DX - Adam Johnson
- 180: Lean TDD
- 179: Exploratory Testing
- 178: The Five Factors of Automated Software Testing
- 177: Unit Test vs Integration Test and The Testing Trophy
- 176: SaaS Side Projects
- 175: Who Should Do QA?
- 174: pseudo-TDD - Paul Ganssle
- 173: Why NOT unittest?
- 172: Designing Better Software with a Prototype Mindset
- 171: How and why I use pytest’s xfail - Paul Ganssle
- 170: pytest for Data Science and Machine Learning - Prayson Daniel
- 169: Service and Microservice Performance Monitoring - Omri Sass
- 168: Understanding Complex Code by Refactoring into Larger Functions
- 167: React, TypeScript, and the Joy of Testing - Paul Everitt
- 166: unittest expectedFailure and xfail
- 165: pytest xfail policy and workflow
- 164: Debugging Python Test Failures with pytest
- 163: pip install ./local_directory - Stéphane Bidoul
- 162: Flavors of TDD
- 161: Waste in Software Development
- 160: DRY, WET, DAMP, AHA, and removing duplication from production code and test code
- 159: Python, pandas, and Twitter Analytics - Matt Harrison
- 158: TDD in Swift - Gio
- 157: pre-commit - Anthony Sottile
- 156: Flake8: Python linting framework with Pyflakes, pycodestyle, McCabe, and more - Anthony Sottile
- 155: Four Questions to Ask Frequently During Software Projects - Tim Ottinger
- 154: Don’t Mock your Database - Jeff Triplett
- 153: Playwright for Python: end to end testing of web apps - Ryan Howard
- 152: Python Packaging - Brett Cannon
- 151: Python Adventure - Brandon Rhodes
- 150: A Practical Testing Strategy
- 149: I don’t test my code, “crappy Python” is all I write - Corey Quinn
- 148: Coverage.py and testing packages
- 147: Testing Single File Python Applications/Scripts with pytest and coverage
- 146: Automation Tools for Web App and API Development and Maintenance - Michael Kennedy
- 145: For Those About to Mock - Michael Foord
- 144: TDD in Science - Martin Héroux
- 143: pytest markers - Anthony Sottile
- 142: MongoDB - Mark Smith
- 141: Visual Testing - Angie Jones
- 140: Testing in Scientific Research and Academia - Martin Héroux
- 139: Test Automation: Shifting Testing Throughout the Software Lifecycle - Nalin Parbhu
- 138: Mutation Testing in Python with mutmut - Anders Hovmöller
- 137: Become an Author - Matt Harrison interviews Brian Okken
- 136: Wearable Technology - Sophy Wong
- 135: Speeding up Django Test Suites - Adam Johnson
- 134: Business Outcomes and Software Development - Benjamin Harding
- 133: Major League Hacking - Jon Gottfried
- 132: mocking in Python - Anna-Lena Popkes
- 131: Test Smarter, Not Harder
- 130: virtualenv activation prompt consistency across shells - an open source dev and test adventure - Brian Skinn
- 129: How to Test Anything - David Lord
- 128: pytest-randomly - Adam Johnson
- 127: WFH, WTF? - Tips and Tricks for Working From Home - Reuven Lerner & Julian Sequeira
- 126: Data Science and Software Engineering Practices ( and Fizz Buzz ) - Joel Grus
- 125: pytest 6 - Anthony Sottile
- 124: pip dependency resolver changes
- 123: GitHub Actions - Tania Allard
- 122: Better Resumes for Software Engineers - Randall Kanna
- 121: Industrial 3D Printing & Python, Finite State Machines, and Simulating Hardware - Len Wanger
- 120: FastAPI & Typer - Sebastián Ramírez
- 119: Editable Python Installs, Packaging Standardization, and pyproject.toml - Brett Cannon
- 118: Code Coverage and 100% Coverage
- 117: Python extension for VS Code - Brett Cannon
- 116: 15 amazing pytest plugins - Michael Kennedy
- 115: Catching up with Nina Zakharenko
- 114: The Python Software Foundation (PSF) Board Elections - Ewa Jodlowska / Christopher Neugebauer
- 113: Technical Debt - James Smith
- 112: Six Principles of Readable Tests - David Seddon
- 111: Subtests in Python with unittest and pytest - Paul Ganssle
- 110: Testing Django - from unittest to pytest - Adam Parkin
- 109: Testing in Financial Services - Eric Bergemann
- 108: PySpark - Jonathan Rioux
- 107: Property Based Testing in Python with Hypothesis - Alexander Hultnér
- 106: Visual Testing : How IDEs can make software testing easier - Paul Everitt
- 105: TAP: Test Anything Protocol - Matt Layman
- 104: Top 28 pytest plugins - Anthony Sottile
- 103: Django - Lacey Williams Henschel
- 102: Cosmic Python, TDD, testing and external dependencies - Harry Percival
- 101: Application Security - Anthony Shaw
- 100: A/B Testing - Leemay Nassery
- 99: Software Maintenance and Chess
- 98: pytest-testmon - selects tests affected by changed files and methods - Tibor Arpas
- 97: 2019 Retrospective, 2020 Plans, and an amazing decade
- 96: Azure Pipelines - Thomas Eckert
- 95: Data Science Pipeline Testing with Great Expectations - Abe Gong
- 94: The real 11 reasons I don’t hire you - Charity Majors
- 93: Software Testing, Book Writing, Teaching, Public Speaking, and PyCarolinas - Andy Knight
- 92: 9 Steps to Crater Quality & Destroy Customer Satisfaction - Cristian Medina
- 91: Python 3.8 - there’s a lot more new than most people are talking about
- 90: Dynamic Scope Fixtures in pytest 5.2 - Anthony Sottile
- 89: Improving Programming Education - Nicholas Tollervey
- 88: Error Monitoring, Crash Reporting, Performance Monitoring - JD Trask
- 87: Paths to Parametrization - from one test to many
- 86: Teaching testing best practices with 4 testing maxims - Josh Peak
- 85: Speed Up Test Suites - Niklas Meinzer
- 84: CircuitPython - Scott Shawcroft
- 83: PyBites Code Challenges behind the scenes - Bob Belderbos
- 82: pytest - favorite features since 3.0 - Anthony Sottile
- 81: TDD with flit
- 80: From Python script to Maintainable Package
- 79: Fixing misinformation about software testing
- 78: I don’t write tests because …
- 77: Testing Complex Systems with Maintainable Test Suites
- 76: TDD: Don’t be afraid of Test-Driven Development - Chris May
- 75: Modern Testing Principles - Alan Page
- 74: Technical Interviews: Preparing For, What to Expect, and Tips for Success - Derrick Mar
- 73: PyCon 2019 Live Recording
- 72: Technical Interview Fixes - April Wensel
- 71: Memorable Tech Talks, The Ultimate Guide - Nina Zakharenko
- 70: Learning Software without a CS degree - Dane Hillard
- 69: Andy Hunt - The Pragmatic Programmer
- 68: test && commit || revert (TCR) - Thomas Deniffel
- 67: Teaching Python in Middle School
- 66: Brian is interviewed by Phil Burgess
- 65: one assert per test
- 64: Practicing Programming to increase your value
- 63: Python Corporate Training - Matt Harrison
- 62: Python Training - Reuven Lerner
- A retrospective
- 100 Days of Code - Julian Sequeira
- Genesynth, nox, urllib3, & PyCascades - Thea Flowers
- REST APIs, testing with Docker containers and pytest
- What is Data Science? - Vicki Boykis
- Being a Guest on a Podcast - Michael Kennedy
- 55: When 100% test coverage just isn’t enough - Mahmoud Hashemi
- 54: Python 1994 - Paul Everitt
- 53: Seven Databases in Seven Weeks - Luc Perkins
- 52: pyproject.toml : the future of Python packaging - Brett Cannon
- 51: Feature Testing
- 50: Flaky Tests and How to Deal with Them
- 49: tox - Oliver Bestwalter
- 48: A GUI for pytest
- 47: Automation Panda - Andy Knight
- 46: Testing Hard To Test Applications - Anthony Shaw
- 45: David Heinemeier Hansson - Software Development and Testing, TDD, and exploratory QA
- 44: Mentoring - Nina Zakharenko
- Preparing for Technical Talks with Kelsey Hightower - bonus episode
- 43: Kelsey Hightower - End to End & Integration Testing
- 42: Using Automated Tests to Help Teach Python - Trey Hunner
- 41: Testing in DevOps and Agile - Anthony Shaw
- 40: On Podcasting - Adam Clark
- 39: Thorough software testing for critical features
- 38: Prioritize software tests with RCRCRC
- 37: What tests to write first
- 36: Stephanie Hurlburt - Mentoring and Open Office Hours
- 35: Continuing Education and Certificate Programs at UW
- 34: TDD and Test First
- 33: Katharine Jarmul - Testing in Data Science
- 32: David Hussman - Agile vs Agility, Dude’s Law, and more
- 31: I’m so sick of the testing pyramid
- 30: Legacy Code - M. Scott Ford
- 29: Kobiton & QASymphony - Josh Lieberman
- 28: Chaos Engineering & Experimentation at Netflix - Casey Rosenthal
- 27: Mahmoud Hashemi : unit, integration, and system testing
- 26: pyresttest – Sam Van Oort
- 25: Selenium, pytest, Mozilla – Dave Hunt
- 24: pytest with Raphael Pierzina
- 23: Lessons about testing and TDD from Kent Beck
- 22: Converting Manual Tests to Automated Tests
- 21: Terminology: test fixtures, subcutaneous testing, end to end testing, system testing
- 20: Talk Python To Me host Michael Kennedy
- 19: Python unittest with Robert Collins
- 18: Testing in Startups and Hiring Software Engineers with Joe Stump
- 17: The Travis Foundation
- 16: Welcome to Test and Code
- 15: Lean Software Development
- 14: Continuous Integration with Travis CI – Josh Kalderimis
- 13: Ian Cordasco – Betamax
- 12: Coverage.py with Ned Batchelder
- 11: pytest assert magic
- 10: Test Case Design using Given-When-Then from BDD
- 9: Harry Percival : Testing Web Apps with Python, Selenium, Django
- 8: Agile vs Agility : Agile Is Dead (Long Live Agility)
- 7: The Waterfall Model and “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems”
- 6: Writing software is like nothing else
- 5: Test Classes: No OO experience required
- 4: Test Fixtures: Setup, Teardown, and so much more
- 3: Why test?
- 2: Pytest vs Unittest vs Nose