38: Prioritize software tests with RCRCRC

RCRCRC was developed by Karen Nicole Johnson.

In this episode we discuss the mnemonic/heuristic and use it to prioritize tests for the cards application.

  • Recent: new features, new areas of code
  • Core: essential functions must continue to work, your products USPs (Unique Selling Propositions)
  • Risk: some areas of an application pose more risk, perhaps areas important to customers but not used regularly by the development team.
  • Configuration sensitive: code that’s dependent on environment settings or operating system specifics
  • Repaired: tests to reproduce bugs, tests for functionality that has been recently repaired.
  • Chronic: functionality that frequently breaks

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Creators and Guests

Brian Okken
Brian Okken
Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts
38: Prioritize software tests with RCRCRC
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