83: PyBites Code Challenges behind the scenes - Bob Belderbos

Bob Belderbos and Julian Sequeira started PyBites a few years ago.
They started doing code challanges along with people around the world and writing about it.

Then came the codechalleng.es platform, where you can do code challenges in the browser and have your answer checked by pytest tests. But how does it all work?

Bob joins me today to go behind the scenes and share the tech stack running the PyBites Code Challenges platform.

We talk about the technology, the testing, and how it went from a cool idea to a working platform.

Special Guest: Bob Belderbos.

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Creators and Guests

Brian Okken
Brian Okken
Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts
83: PyBites Code Challenges behind the scenes - Bob Belderbos
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