162: Flavors of TDD
What flavor of TDD do you practice?
In this episode we talk about:
- Classical vs Mockist TDD
- Detroit vs London (I actually refer to it in the episode as Chicago instead of Detroit. Oh well.)
- Static vs Behavior
- Inside Out vs Outside In
- Double Loop TDD
- Tracer Bullets
- Rules of TDD
- Team Structure
- Lean TDD
This is definitely an episode I'd like feedback on. Reach out to me @brianokken or via the contact form for further questions or if I missed some crucial variant of TDD that you know and love.
Sponsored By:
- PyCharm Professional: Try PyCharm Pro for 4 months and learn how PyCharm will save you time. Promo Code: TESTANDCODE22
- Mocks Aren't Stubs - Martin Fowler
- Mockists Are Dead. Long Live Classicists.
- Double Loop TDD
- BDD: Behavior-driven development
- FDD: Feature-driven development
- My reaction to “Is TDD Dead?” - pythontest.com
- Test First Programming / Test First Development
- Humorous list of TDD variants — BDD = Buzzword Driven Development, CDD = Calendar Driven Development, etc
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