185: Python + Django + Rich + Testing == Awesome
Django has a handful of console commands to help manage and develop sites.
django-rich adds color and nice formatting. Super cool.
In a recent release, django-rich also adds nice colorized tracebacks to the Django test runner.
django-rich adds color and nice formatting. Super cool.
In a recent release, django-rich also adds nice colorized tracebacks to the Django test runner.
- django-rich · PyPI
- episode 181: Boost Your Django DX - Adam Johnson
- django-crispy-forms
- Python Developers Survey 2020 Results
Learn pytest
- pytest is the number one test framework for Python.
- Learn the basics super fast with Hello, pytest!
- Then later you can become a pytest expert with The Complete pytest Course
- Both courses are at courses.pythontest.com
Creators and Guests

Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson is an author and solo consultant working with Ansible, AWS, Django, and Python. He is a member of the Django project Technical Board (2.2, 3.x, and 4.x release cycles), and a co-organizer of the The London Django Meetup. He is the author of Speed Up Your Django Tests and Boost Your Django DX.

David Smith
An accountant that is also a maintainer of Django Crispy Forms and contributor to Django Core.