171: How and why I use pytest's xfail - Paul Ganssle

Paul Ganssle, is a software developer at Google, core Python dev, and open source maintainer for many projects, has some thoughts about pytest's xfail.
 He was an early skeptic of using xfail, and is now an proponent of the feature.
 In this episode, we talk about some open source workflows that are possible because of xfail. 

Special Guest: Paul Ganssle.


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Creators and Guests

Brian Okken
Brian Okken
Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts
Paul Ganssle
Paul Ganssle
Programmer working @Google in NYC. Maintainer of python-dateutil, Python core developer and general FOSS contributor.
171: How and why I use pytest's xfail - Paul Ganssle
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