217: Podcasting / SaaS / Work Life Balance - Justin Jackson

If you've ever thought about starting a podcast or a SaaS project, you'll want to listen to this episode.
Justin is one of the people who motivated me to get started podcasting.
He's also running a successful SaaS company, transistor.fm, which hosts this podcast.

  • Podcasting
  • Building new SaaS (software as a service) products
  • Balancing work, side hustle, and family
  • Great places to snowboard in British Columbia
BTW. This episode was recorded last summer before I switched to transistor.fm.
I'm now on Transistor for most of a year now, and I love it.

Links from the show:

Sponsored by: 
  • The Complete pytest course is now a bundle, with each part available separately.
  • Whether you need to get started with pytest today, or want to power up your pytest skills, PythonTest has a course for you.

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Creators and Guests

Brian Okken
Brian Okken
Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts
Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
⚡ Bootstrapping, podcasting, calm companies, business ethics. Co-founder of Transistor.fm (podcast hosting).
217: Podcasting / SaaS / Work Life Balance - Justin Jackson
Broadcast by