pytest-mock : Mocking in pytest

pytest-mock is currently the #3 pytest plugin. 
pytest-mock is a wrapper around unittest.mock.

In this episode:
  • Why the pytest-mock plugin is awesome
  • What is mocking, patching, and monkey patching
  • What, if any, is the difference between mock, fake, spy, stub. 
  • Why we might need these in testing
  • Some history of mock in Python and how mock became unittest.mock
  • From unittest.mock
    • patch.object
    • patch.object with autospec
    • using these as context managers
  • pytest-mock:
    • The mocker fixture 
    • Cleanup in teardown
    • Using mocker.patch, mocker.spy, and mocker.stub
    • Why it's awesome and why you might want to use it over straight unittest.mock

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Creators and Guests

Brian Okken
Brian Okken
Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts
pytest-mock : Mocking in pytest
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