71: Memorable Tech Talks, The Ultimate Guide - Nina Zakharenko
Nina Zakharenko gives some great advice about giving tech talks.
We talk about a blog series that Nina wrote called "The Ultimate Guide To Memorable Tech Talks". This episode is full of great help and encouragement for your own public speaking adventures.
Some of what we discuss:
- overcoming the fear of public speaking
- breathing and pausing during talks
- planning your talk as well as planning your time to get ready for the talk
- writing proposals and getting feedback on proposals
- Nina's talk in PyCascades on programming Adafruit chips
- types of talks that are often rejected
- pre-recording demos to avoid live demo problems
- why you should speak, even if you are an introvert
- benefits of public speaking
- a super cool announcement at the end
Special Guest: Nina Zakharenko.
Sponsored By:
- PyBites Code Challenges: Self-contained Python Code Challenges you can code and verify in the browser.
- The Ultimate Guide To Memorable Tech Talks — Nina's series of posts with lots of advice on giving excellent tech talks.
- Azure for Python developers — Tutorials, API Reference | Microsoft Docs
- How to Do a Deep, Diaphragmatic Belly Breathing
- Example accepted and rejected conference talk proposals — Nina's examples
- Allison Kaptur's PyCon Proposal examples
- Emily Morehouse's proposal examples.
- Brandon Rhodes' example PyCon talk proposals
- Nina's PyCascades talk on Python and LEDs — PyCascades – Light Up Your Life – With Python and LEDs, starts at 13:26.
- Nina has a keynote at PyCon 2019 — woohoo!
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