191: Running your own site for fun and absolutely no profit whatsoever - Brian Wisti
Having a personal site is a great playground for learning tons of skills. Brian Wisti discusses the benefits of running a his own blog over the years.
- Random Geekery
- Jamstack
- Eleventy
- Netlify
- Plausible Analytics
- pytest
- Beautiful Soup
- pyinvoke - Invoke!
- rsync
- Internet Archive : archive.org
- Rich
- Statamic
- jamstack.org
- A static site generator should be your next language learning project
Learn pytest
- pytest is the number one test framework for Python.
- Learn the basics super fast with Hello, pytest!
- Then later you can become a pytest expert with The Complete pytest Course
- Both courses are at courses.pythontest.com
Creators and Guests

Brian Wisti
Professional computer hater, devoted enthusiast of lunch-scale solutions, and occasional artist. Been using my personal Web site as my face online since 2000.